Python enum example. – I noticed an oddity in the Python 3 Enums ().

Python enum example g. enumB. elementD. 4. See also: the mutable aenum. The members in OP’s example, e. Is this possible? If so, how? Python 3. If you set the value of an Enum to a function, it prevents the attribute from being wrapped as an Enum object, which prevents you from being able to use the cool features like EnumCls['AttrName'] to dynamically load the attribute. elementA, or to refer to elementD as enumA. _missing_ is also available in the third-party package aenum (which works clear back to Python 2. For an interesting read about the dangers of mucking about with Enum, read my question/answer here. – I noticed an oddity in the Python 3 Enums (). 0 introduced enum, I've read the doc but still don't know the usage of it. UPDATE 1: Python 3. Note: I am the author of Enum, enum34, and aenum. @zzz777 Python doesn’t have “static variables” in the sense of other languages. Enum and Java enum types. enumC. If you want to access those, you will need to have a reference to the type. Is it possible to have an enum of enums in Python? For example, I'd like to have . 7). Appending additional members onto an existing enumeration at runtime in no way violates this guarantee. That Python's standard enum. 4 will have a built-in well designed enum library. The values always know their name and type; there is an integer-compatible mode but the recommended default for new uses are singletons, unequal to any other object. The reason it is not working in Python 3 is because in Python 2 input() evaled whatever was entered, so typing 1 actually returned an int; in Python 3 input became the same as Python 2's raw_input(), which returns strs and makes you do any necessary conversions. From my perspective, enum. Much like in Alexandru's answer, you create a class and class level fields are the enum values; however, the enum values are instances of the class rather than small integers. Enum is an extended namedtuple type, which may not be true. The typesafe enum pattern which was used in Java pre-JDK 5 has a number of advantages. That example does not create an enum, just a class with some members that have integer values. enumA enumB elementA elementB enumC elementC elementD And for me to be able to refer to elementA as enumA. – The typesafe enum pattern which was used in Java pre-JDK 5 has a number of advantages. tube and deltashift, are class variables that are stored on the class/type instead of an instance. So these are what I want to This example also demonstrates a problem with Enum: in the surface_gravity() property method, a constant G is defined which would normally be defined at class level - but attempting to do so inside an Enum would simply add it as one of the members of the enum, so instead it's been defined inside the method. Enum type chose to prohibit this valid use case in no way prohibits third-party alternatives from doing so. –.